Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Busy Bee

Addie has definitely needed some extra attention these days. She does just about anything to keep the focus on her. Luckily both sets of grandparents have been able to come and help out and keep Addie entertained. She loves to paint and play with play-doh, at first the painting was done on the paper. Then she decided it was more fun to paint her face, nails, and toenails. Addie also thinks it is fun to use Izze's diapers as diapers for her dolls and throws them away. I have to make sure to check the garbage for clean diapers before throwing anything else away. Addie also loves to share her toys with Izze and sets them by her while she is sleeping on the couch. All in all she is handling her new sister well, but does need a lot of attention and love.


Jess said...

Oh Addie! She's so cute!

Cookie, Jason, Olivia, and Mya said...

Thats funny. Shes so cute. I love the paint on the face.

lynburbidge said...

Very cute! I'm glad Addie is liking her new sister.

The Gag-nears said...

Addie is so cute. Hope you are adjusting good to 2 kids. Then again, it's Anna we are talking about - of couse you are adjusting well. We miss you guys!