Monday, January 31, 2011

Some Sun

We were lucky enough to go to St. George a week or so ago to see the sun!  The minute Addie heard we were going she was so excited to see Maddie, of course, and to go swimming.  I tried to explain to her that it wasn't that warm yet, but she was adamant to bring her swimming suits (yep both of them).  Luckily Andrew was kind enough to take Addie and Izze swimming at an indoor pool and they were in heaven. 
We also had fun hanging out with our friends, the Warner's, we always manage to have a good time!  All the girls played so well together and we even managed to get a few pictures with all of them.
As we were driving home on Sunday Andrew said "bye St. George" which got Addie's attention who in turn said, "no I don't want to go home, take me back to St. George", to which we sort of giggled, and then she said "I'm serious, take me back to St. George".  

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Silly Girls

Izze loves to take a bath, mostly so she can splash water and torture Addie.  The other day I ran the water but didn't want to put Izze in the tub until I had finished something in the other room (Izze likes to lay on her stomach in the tub, worries me a bit), well I came back in to find Izze had climbed into the tub pajamas and all!  She was so proud of herself and I couldn't help but laugh and grab the camera, of course.
The girls love to play together and they do pretty well especially in the mornings after a good night's rest.  I came into the room to find them with all of their baby dolls and animals all snuggled on the bed waiting to watch a movie.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter Blues

How do you spend your winter days?  Here's a look into what we do to pass away the time until we can head outdoors again without freezing to death...
Play peek-a-boo with beanie hats
Where is Addie?
There she is...
Izze loves to do anything Addie does, she follows her every move.
Silly Girls
Baked some mini brownies, turned out hard as a rock, my bad!  Luckily my new brownie pan worked so it wasn't a total loss.
Addie loves to line up all her dolls on the stairs, it must have been a cold day because she found blankets for each one of them.  Wait who am I kidding, of course it was a cold day!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Snow Angels

Since the big snow storm last week Addie has been begging to go outside and make snow angels.  Every day I have come up with some excuse, but then starting feeling guilty, so we bundled up and off we went to make snow angels in 15 degree weather!  Addie loved every minute of it and I thought it was pretty fun too, surprisingly.  I thought she would give up after 10 maybe 15 minutes because it was so cold, but she was out there for a good hour!  Andrew and I tag teamed it, because it was so cold and I am a whimp :)  Izze kept looking out the window and finally got her chance to join us, I think we are made of the same blood because she grabbed my hand and led me to the door not long after she came outside.