Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Break

I know we don't go to school, but Addie's cousins do and this week was their spring break. My parents came to visit and one of Addie's cousins, Jorgen, stayed a few extra days to play. When my parents got here and before my sister and her family left we all met at Chuck-a-Rama for a hearty meal. Then Addie and Jorgen went swimming at the hotel, I didn't take my camera though, but it was fun.On Tuesday we walked around the St. George Temple, went swimming before the weather turned cold, and walked around downtown St. George.Addie and Jorgen had a lot of fun playing together. Addie wanted to do whatever Jorgen was doing and that usually meant stealing his toys. For some reason Addie thought she could wrestle Jorgen and one night Jorgen was nice enough to oblige as they wrestled for about 20 minutes, it was pretty funny to watch.We were sad to have our visitors leave on Thursday and were glad for all the fun times we had.

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