Thursday, July 17, 2008

Something Fun...

I found this on my friend's blog and thought it would be fun. Hopefully everyone that reads it will leave me a comment. I am curious to see what others remember or how the same memories are remembered differently. I hope you'll comment whether you are a regular visitor I know about or someone that has "snuck" onto my blog via someone else's blog (I sneak peeks at other blogs that way too!).

1. Add a comment on my blog. Leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


Kim C. said...

Anna, McQuillan is the last name you would be looking for...I have lots of memories about that kid too.
Anyway, one of my memories of you was taking the school bus home with you one day from the Jr. High (the first time I ever had) and I was sure that the bus driver was going to realize like half way to your house and kick me off right there! I was never one for breaking the rules and I was nervous I'd be in trouble!

Mick and Tiff said...

Oh- where do I even start??? Being college roommates can give us lots of fun memories. There was the time we wrote on the window about scott rogers. The time we put that funny license place cover on Jay's car. The pie blatting with MIchelle. The horrible homecoming dates we had. The sumo wrestling. Another favorite might have to be writing with chalk on Mick's grandma's sidewalk and you getting stuck behind the bush listening to Mick and Steve talking on the porch. How FUNNY! I loved college days!!

Anonymous said...

Ok... SOOO embarrassing but my favorite memory is when I was talking to you at Costco and totally mixed you up with someone else and you totally played along with it! SOOO funny... I'm glad you didn't make me feel like and idiot... I did it to myself when I got home! And yes... I sneak peaks at your blog!!

Heather said...

Oh, where do I begin seeing we were roommates too. Some of the same memories I have too that Tiffany had like the famous pie-blatting in the road, walking home from school in the pouring rain and getting drenched, those homecoming dates were quite the memory, and hanging out long hours in the computer lab in the business building. Oh, and we can't forget the playing Nintendo with the boys upstairs instead of studying! Man thinking of these memories makes me really miss this fun part of going to school!

Bruce and Zalia said...

I remember well the day you lost it with the Blue Bunny waitress. I'm sure she quit her job that day. Or, maybe that is why the whole place shut down...

Lauren B. said...

I remember sitting by you in some high school classes. (Grammer and Vocab and I think Mrs. Wolikin's english class.) I also remember meeting you at first and thinking you were quiet and a little shy, but after I got to know you, I thought you were really fun and that you had a great sense of humor!

Wendy said...

Colorado Springs . . . touring the Castle, walking the 16th street mall, online Settlers, Andrew showing up on our doorstep. :)