Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter Blues

How do you spend your winter days?  Here's a look into what we do to pass away the time until we can head outdoors again without freezing to death...
Play peek-a-boo with beanie hats
Where is Addie?
There she is...
Izze loves to do anything Addie does, she follows her every move.
Silly Girls
Baked some mini brownies, turned out hard as a rock, my bad!  Luckily my new brownie pan worked so it wasn't a total loss.
Addie loves to line up all her dolls on the stairs, it must have been a cold day because she found blankets for each one of them.  Wait who am I kidding, of course it was a cold day!


Warner said...

just saving up your energy for the sun right ?! :)

Cookie, Jason, Olivia, and Mya said...

we need to spend the cold boring days together! jason and i were laugh so hard at the pix from aggie village!! love how our house are almost all the same 6 years later! except jason who was trying to be better than the rest of us.