Tuesday, February 1, 2011

18 months & counting

Izze is now 18 months, although some days I wonder if she is already in her terrible twos!  She definitely has a mind of her own, she shakes her head no and squints her eyes if she doesn't want something.  If she is thirsty she knows to stand by the refrigerator and say "unh unh" (I have no idea how to spell what I am trying to say) until I get her a drink.  Izze loves to do whatever Addie is doing and follows her every move, sometimes it's nice sometimes it's not so nice.  She loves her blankets and loves to snuggle when she wakes up from her nap.  Izze loves to brush her teeth and talk really loud.  She is not a fan of nursery so far :( and is sure to be my little shadow most of the day.  We love our little Izze, you make us laugh!