Monday, April 18, 2011

Goblin Valley

We were lucky enough to go camping last weekend with some good friends and the weather was perfect!  The girls absolutely loved running around and playing in the dirt and rocks.  Goblin Valley is very kid-friendly in my opinion which made the trip so enjoyable.  We wandered around the goblin rocks, went on a hike, sat around the campfire, ate yummy food, and basked in the sun.  It was a fun weekend, so glad we could escape for a few days!
Izze loved climbing on all the rocks, she wanted to be just like the big kids.
Addie's new favorite pose
A rare smile for the camera
Hanging out at Goblin Valley
The girls loved playing in the rocks
Addie was so tuckered out on the hike, this was only halfway back, there was no chance for a smile.
At the campsite, the girls loved sitting under the rocks.
Playing with water
Playing with dirt, oh there was dirt everywhere on this trip!
Family picture-Izze did not want to be held, she wanted to be on the move.


Warner said...

so fun!!! i haven't been camping for far too long!! 1 1/2 more days!!! pf here we come!! and maybe a movie? i'm sure we can get shawn to babysit!!!

Amanda said...

Tons of dirt + grimy kids = a blast of a weekend!! Looks like you guys had so much fun :)