Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Lights

Last week we went to see the lights at Temple Square, luckily we chose a pretty mild weather night.  We went with our friends and took a quick tour so the husbands and eldest children could rush off to the Jazz game.  Izze had the same expression the entire time and Addie loved seeing all the lights, but was most excited for her churro at the game.


Mick and Tiff said...

Is Andrew REALLY wearing shorts? I am sure it wasn't that warm! He is crazy.

Once January comes we are playing some games!

Warner said...

when i saw the coment above mine that asked if andrew was really wearing shorts i had to double take... haha.. so andrew!!! come on doesn't he like the one pair of jeans he owns :) also what a fun tradition it is for addie and andrew to go to the jazz games together :)