Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Five Months

I never thought when Izze was five months old that we would be living in the frozen tundra! Izze rolled over a few weeks ago and we were so excited, but she didn't make a habit out of it for she hasn't done it since. She started eating rice cereal and she loves it! She is constantly watching us eat and loves it when it is her turn. Yesterday we tried squash and she ate a lot of it. Izze loves to growl really loud if she wants your attention and she is full of giggles and smiles. She loves to watch everything Addie does, I'm sure she is storing it all in memory to try it on us someday.


Jess said...

I can't believe she's 5 months already! She's such a doll.

Heather said...

She is so cute! I am excited that you live here in the cold again so we can see you more. I want to finally see Izze in person. We need to get together soon!