Tuesday, July 14, 2009


In addition to the zoo Andrew and Addie also went to Lagoon with Andrew's brother Jed and his family and Grandpa Jensen. I was rather jealous of the trip to Lagoon, but in my pregnant state what could I do but let them go and have fun without me. They arrived when it opened and Addie didn't want to leave until 10:00 pm. She had so much fun riding all of the rides and being with her cousins. After each ride she wanted to either stay on the ride or get back in line to ride it again immediately. It is so strange to see her on some of these rides all by herself, since they are rides I used to go on when I went to Lagoon as a child. There are no pictures of Andrew and Addie on Puff the Magic Dragon but she loved it and even held her hands up for a second-what a daredevil. (You can watch the video at the end of this post and see her on Puff)


Warner said...

that looks like so much fun !!! i want to go there soo bad... and the video is a huge hit in our house :) we have watched it 4 times already and maddie wants " more addie!" haha... thanks for the entertainment !! oh and i love it when addie puts her hands up.... super cute:)

Sam said...

Wow, that does bring back memories. I haven't been to Lagoon in ages. I hope you enjoyed your little vacation as much as they did!

Peay Family said...

Oops, that last comment was me. I didn't realized I was signed in as my husband.

The Leithead Family said...

how fun!! it looks like addie was in "heaven"! sorry you didn't get to have fun on the rides too! oh...your blog looks awesome - how the heck did you get that font on your titles??

Jill said...

I am so jealous. It makes me want to take a little trip up there and take my kids! I remeber those rides Addie was on. How cute.